Monday, May 11, 2020

Isolation 2020

Well... 2020 is turning out to bring some interesting times into our homes, and lives... I am now into week 9 of stay-at-home, and self isolating myself from my friends, family and many of my work and creative dudes and mates. The only people I see on a regular basis are my support team who help me to eat, live and play.  So what have I been doing do survive the 2020 pandemic period?  Practising my camera techniques, studying video editing and making short fun films - that i keep posting for my followers and friends, in the light of the moment, it helps to lift my spirit and i hope it does, theirs.  My creative juices are flowing beautifully at this time - without one hint of boredom, I am filled with images to paint, draw and write - I seriously don't know how to stop!  I am eager to dance, even in small spaces and find myself leaping out of corners, looking through creaks in my back porch, hanging over the fence, falling into an empty space/s - tapping into emotions, sometimes strange echos of people's voices come from nearby... making other shifts of movement in my "dance" w/chair only to hear my own laughter tickle me hysterically ...  I also find time spaces to be wild, free, explore my inner being that wants to explode, bust the bubbles - and I am so enjoying the self permission to let go, completely let go, to delve deeper into my creative mind.

Click on the link below to preview one of my recent video edit....