Friday, February 1, 2019

Cecil Street Studio... The Last Breath

Cecil Street Studio

Back to… 2010,
I made my first entry,
Laughing with my newest dance dude,
As my feet tangled themselves
I had no idea what was coming next,
An improvised dance performance
Known as the Little Con;
Keen to watch, but wary to participate.
I had so much to learn.
So much

So much to learn…
Since that night, one single night…
Much has happened, in my life
In the Cecil street space,
Pink walls, uneven floors –
It all helped to shift my confident
To be bold, beautiful and hilarious
In my relationship to dance,
Making connections with people I never imagined to meet:
Wow… Anne O’Keefe, Andrew Morrish, Al Wunder, Alice Cummins….
And many more on my list of bodies to have,
Rubbed shoulders
Exchanged eye contact
Controlled falls
Risky landings…

From watching  many performances in awe,
To practicing improvised scores,
Duos, Trios, Groupos,… To Solos,
Yes…. Solos…. I have performed
Solos at  Cecil Street (Andrew Morrish your last word to me:
“look at them, connect with them and  you have them so  begin Your journey with them invite them”)

Life goes on after Cecil Street studio closes the door;
The community exist
I exist
